Over My Dead Body by Bruce A. Borders

What would you do if Child Protective Services showed up on your doorstep with an army of Sheriff’s deputies and tried to remove your three-year-old from your home? Knowing there's no justification for their action and the court documents they presented are fabricated, would you stand by or fight to protect your child?
    Over My Dead Body explores the deadly reaction and consequences when a protective father, Jeff Blake, tries to prevent the state from  taking his daughter. The director of Child Protective Services uses his position to exact a personal vendetta in removing three-year-old Ashley from the Blake’s home.
The situation quickly becomes violent as Jeff resorts to the only response he feels he has. By the end of the short encounter, three people are dead. Ironically, Ashley is still taken, so the tragic fiasco gained nothing.
    Matters are further complicated when Amy, the wife and mother, winds up in a mental ward due to the trauma she witnessed in her home. Jeff and Amy’s daughter is placed in temporary foster care, while the family’s attorneys attempt to salvage what they can and re-unite the family. The police, as well as the Courts, understandably, are not too concerned with the needs of the family and it seems the entire justice system is against them.
    Complete with many twists of fate, the story looks at the common problems of a typical family caught between love and the law.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It is well written and no bad language! That's hard to find today. The book keeps you on the edge of your seat, so to speak. Do yourself a favor and order it today... but, be ready to lose sleep until you get it finished!     - Barbara A. Riley

Over My Dead Body
by Bruce A. Borders
Now available as an ebook on Apple I-Pad®, Amazon Kindle®, Barnes & Noble Nook® and Sony Reader®, Kobo®, Diesel Books®, and Smashwords®.
See Bruce's Amazon Author Page
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